Saturday, October 16

fall break festivites

Fall break was great. No school always equals great things. Russ and Aubs came up from the SLC to hang out with the family. We did a lot of cool things:

bought good food

 ate cream puffs

played baseball and kickball/yogaball

Cool family, good food and games, great fall break.

P.S Erin and I had an extreme soccer game which included jerseys and matching headbands.


Alison Margot Lee said...

I love you AUDGE PODGE.

Lindy Salmon said...

Kickball with a yogaball looks awesome! I think I may start a league here in Atlanta.

Sara said...

when did you get a blog. i love it. and everyone in your family is so gorgeous. I want to come up and partake of that good food, I love coming to your house. Hope school is going well. Love you.